YLoader 5.0
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If you receive an error message about missing dlls (such as MSVCP140.dll) when trying to start YLoader, download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 redistributable files: go to the Visual Studio Older Downloads page, look for the "Redistributable and Build Tools" section, select one of "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3" x86 or x64 and click on Download.
If YLoader hangs during installation or use, you may need to temporarily disable your anti-virus application, and/or add YLoader to the list of safe programs.
* Download YLoader 32 bit
SHA1: 8775ec09f7e79d65c7c6c06fed99f608f9a21f04
* Download YLoader 64 bit
SHA1: 9bbbc7da90c77ed5e487c68ba2ad367da34387d9
Make sure to read the YLoader 5.0 release notes before installing and running the product.
To verify the integrity of the downloaded files, you can compare the MD5 or SHA1 cryptographic hashes listed above with the ones generated by this FCIV Microsoft utility.